What You Need To Know About This January Full Moon.

The When: Thursday, January 25th, 2024

The What:

Thursday //Jupiter// growth, challenges, abundance, expansion

full moon // healing, release, illumination, clarity, direction, 

Leo // loyalty, leadership, expression, creativity, bravery, ambition

this full moon is here to illuminate.

where are you headed?

what are you after?

what is motivating you?


a part of growth and creating impactful change (whatever impact means to you) takes courage and accountability. courage to face ourselves and all the parts that feel expansive and contractive. the parts that we’re proud of and the parts we may feel shameful for. but all of these bits and pieces put together create the most gorgeous unique puzzle that is you. 

let this moon serve as a reminder of what you are here to do, in this moment, in this chapter, in this life. what are your aspirations? what are your boundaries? what is your day-to-day? what are you communicating and what are you not communicating? these all need structure to thrive babyyy.

take advantage of this lunation to get real real so you can get clear clear 😎. this full moon will illuminate where you are currently positioned in the pursuit of your dreams/goals/ambitions. its time to take accountability of yourself and what you are after. most importantly, and i don’t know who needs to hear this but, its time to step into being the main character of your life. this is your invitation to do the damn thing and be the baddie cutie of your life.

some things to note:

things will get easier if you put in the work. (structure)

if you’ve been feeling stagnant or stuck, i/you/we are being guided to reflect on what has been motivating our actions and desires.  ie. are they authentic to you or what you are after?

if we are always in a state of desiring more and more, will we ever be full? will we ever be happy with ourselves and our accomplishments? think about that for a moment bc this greatly influences many.

prioritize finding balance within your routine and the steps to get you to your desired destination. pausing to rest, reflect, reassess and make adjustments where/when necessary. having a supportive structure creates sustainability within your pursuits and lived experience(s). 

 work hard, play hard

Suggested Practice:

connecting with your main character. 

who is the main character of your life? 

this is a visualization exercise that I suggest doing after you’ve worked through the suggested prompts.

you will need:

  • a mirror

  • yellow, orange, or red candle. but white will do 

  • matches or lighter

if this full moon is your invitation to begin living as the main character, what does that mean to you?

first, let’s think about how we relate to that very statement.

what is a main character? 

what is their role or purpose?

how does the thought of being/living as a main character make you feel?

do you identify as a main character currently? why or why not?

if you do, has this brought you to experience your desires or at least closer to them? how so? 

i/you/we may or may not already feel/believe that we are living as our most authentic selves but are we truly? do our actions honor our words? do our actions honor our truest cravings and expressions? this practice was created to empower you to be the main character you are here to be.

to begin: 

spend some time envisioning who your authentic self is. 

what do they stand for?

what are their passions and dreams?

what are their boundaries?

what are their hobbies?

how do they  like to express themselves?

how do they spend their days?

what are their relationships like?

etc. etc.

think of all these qualities that make up your main character. can you relate to them? why or why not? make note of your reflections. now reflect on the ways you currently show up in the spaces you move in. what is your day-to-day like? do you express yourself as you would like? have you been living as the main character? 

compare the current you to your vision of your main character. how are they similar and how are they different? this isn’t to shame or criticize yourself. this part may be difficult, but the intention is to get real real with ourselves and hold ourselves accountable bc we have agency. ❤️

now that the hard part is over, comes the fun part.

you will need your chosen candle and mirror.

begin by taking your candle into your hands. you will hold your candle for the duration of this practice. now take a few breaths to center yourself in your body and the space you are in. 

with mirror in hand (you can stand in front of one too) gaze upon yourself. admire who you see in the reflection in front of you and tell them about themselves. describe all the qualities of the main character they already are and are embodying. envision how you, the main character, lives your life.

spend time doing this, and allow excitement and joy to grow within you. now look at your reflection and see yourself move through the metamorphosis of becoming them. and as you take a final breath in, bring your candle up to your mouth and with gratitude exhale. directing your breath onto your candle. your breath carries within it all you envisioned, your dreams and power. 

now light this candle and let its flame carry your words into the universe and stars. turning energy into matter. 


What You Need To Know About This February New Moon.


What You Need To Know About This January New Moon.