What You Need To Know About This February New Moon.

The When: Friday, February 9th new moon in Aquarius 

The What:

The Magician // alchemy, creation, concentration, determination, manifestation, desire

Friday // Venus // desires, passions, values, creativity

New moon // beginnings, expansion, birth, reflecting,  resetting

Aquarius //  truth, independence, creativity, freedom, healing

This new moon theme // vibes are: “If not you, then who? If not now, when?” -Hillel 

life is not a mystery, but so many of you urge it to be so. so many of you seek for answers outside of yourselves when the answers to the mystery are already within you. this new moon isn’t here to open new doorways, because the truth is, would you be brave enough to enter them? Brave enough to trust the inner compass that is your heart?

so many of you are afraid to bet on yourselves, we ask you why. 

what is it that you are truly afraid of?

there is no time to put it off or to keep your joy, pleasures dreams hidden any longer. If you wish to seek change, to see your desires take progress, you must give them life. 

you must begin to believe in them and yourselves. stay grounded in your truths, they will not fail you. let your sincerest desires and truths guide you. this is not the time to hide in the shadows. do not be afraid to ruffle feathers, and that includes your own. 

a new life/world is ready to emerge. what does yours look like? we will tell you this. joy must be at the center of it. joy must be the mud and mortar that keeps it all together. 

nothing changes, if nothing changes

you are forgetting the bigger picture. the story that tells you what truly matters. does the rope that pulls on your attention support what you truly yearn for or care about? don’t be afraid to let your light shine. we are here to remind you of your agency. 


I feel this new moon is here to wake some of us up. to wake us from our resistant and doubtful slumbers that have kept us a lil too comfy and complacent. I feel we are being encouraged to break free from our norms ( limiting narratives, beliefs, habits, self-expressions etc.), and rather than bet on our failures, we can bet on ourselves. We bet on our joy and peace. We bet on ourselves because we are worth it. And what if, instead of anticipating that haters are gonna hate, we trust that our lovers are gonna love? How I/you/we relate to our self-belief, let alone others, MATTERS. Let me say that again. Energy is everything. Words are spells. Thoughts are spells. Actions are spells. If I/you/we gave most of our attention to the things that we anticipated wouldn’t work or aren’t possible, over time we’re going to believe it. So what if this new moon/you/we made a promise to ourselves to work on that? To try a little harder to take leaps of trust and faith in the very things we are after, are healing, are releasing. Can you imagine what that could change for you? 

Be your biggest cheerleader. Embody the power of the magician and concentrate on what you’re dreaming and building, instead of how you think you may fail.

Suggested Reflections:

what is your relationship to your body? your agency?

what does your dream world/kingdom look like?

what stories have you been telling yourself that keep you from believing it is possible?

what keeps you from believing in yourself?

are you afraid of being perceived? if yes, why?

are you afraid of your dreams/goals being seen? if yes, why? 

what is your story?

what are you doing to stay true to it?
what is my definition of success?

do i live by that definition?


What You Need To Know About This February Full Moon.


What You Need To Know About This January Full Moon.