What You Need To Know About This January New Moon.
The When: Thursday, January 11th, 2024
The What:
Thursday // Jupiter / / growth, challenges, abundance, expansion
New Moon / / beginnings, endings, opportunities, completions, clarity
Capricorn // Earth // Saturn // structure, long-term goals, sustainability, loyal, ambitious, dedicated, structure/restructure
this new moon we provide you with the following message,
“ seek out what you desire in this world. this life of yours passes in the blink of an eye. so many of you believe it is impossible but we are here to tell you it is. you must believe that what your heart yearns for can be yours. is that not worth fighting for? what are you building / creating for yourselves? what will it take for you to pursue it? yes there may be some demolishing that may be required but what comes after loss or death, birth. birth does not always look the same. nor does it ever feel the same as the last but one thing does always remain the same, your heart, the love that’s ablaze lighting your very spirit.
what will you do to protect these changes and rebuilding?
what will you do to protect your spirit, your heart?
do not doubt yourselves, oh no do not dare. look within your hearts if you are feeling lost or incapable. remind yourselves of the fiery strength that lives within.”
as yall know new moons are a time for new opportunities, beginnings, and intention settings. keep in mind that along with new beginnings, comes endings and/or change. with this new moon in Capricorn, i feel we are being asked to step up to the plate and take a swing. to transmute our visions into something tangible but with that, we must also take accountability for ourselves.
dreams are great. i love love love holding a dream. they can motivate, inspire, and drive us to create great great change but what if the dream we are chasing isn’t realistic at this time? or rather, what if the plan we’ve created to get there isn’t realistic or sustainable?
the way i am seeing this new moon is almost like a cheat card. one that grants you a peak into what is and/or isn’t working so that we can honestly and truthfully change the trajectory of our course. let me remind you of this though, all of this (life) isn’t about getting it right or wrong. what matters is that i/you/we live authentically. and that what we build (this life) mirrors that. will there be hills we have to traverse, yes. but there is a difference between hills and mountains.
Suggested Practice:
use this time to reflect on the sustainability of what you are after.
what are the steps/methods i am using to build this world of mine?
are these methods/actions sustainable?
is what I am building sustainable for the long run?
remind yourselves of what you have always been capable of.