What You Need To Know About This February Full Moon.

The When: Saturday, February 24th full moon in Virgo 

The What:

the chariot // moving forward, commitment, dedication, change, strength, willpower

Saturday // Saturn // structure, order, purpose, responsibility, reflection, ego, death, rebirth 

Full moon // illumination, completion, closure, transformation

Virgo //  introspective, focus, creativity, patience, analytical, compassion

this full moon is here to encourage.

 to remind every single one of you that you are here for a reason. you are here because you chose to be. use the energy of this full moon to illuminate the parts of your life that you are questioning, are frustrated with or perhaps growing impatient with. 

This is an invitation to take a moment and reflect on how you spend your time. Consider the activities you engage in, the people you spend time with, and the reasons behind your choices. Do these aspects of your life feel supportive? Are they aligned with the life you are creating for yourself? By reflecting on these questions, you may discover new directions you've been hesitant to explore. Alternatively, you may choose to clean up your routines and create new ones that are more in line with your values, dreams, and hopes.

reflect:  have you asked yourself why you are doubting, second-guessing, and impatient? what is it about these parts that have you wondering, questioning, doubting? 

reassess: what matters to you and where is its place in your life? take a deep breath.  what are you ready to move forward with or away from? this is a time for clarity within your own infrastructure. 

prioritize what matters to you bb

wherever you are and however this may relate to you, take the time these next few days to practice presence. acknowledge the parts of your life that feel full and abundant. celebrate that. now acknowledge the parts of your life that are coming together, and celebrate that as well. this is a time to have/practice gratitude for the journey and what you have/are learning in the process. this is your reminder that everything takes time, dedication, and patience. stay grounded and hopeful. 

Suggested Reflections:

where in my life am I ready/wanting to move forward?

what has kept me from fully committing?

what am I afraid of losing in the process?

what can transform if I did? 


What You Need To Know About This March New Moon.


What You Need To Know About This February New Moon.