What You Need To Know About This April New Moon.

the what:  New Moon in Aries // solar eclipse

the when: Monday April 8th, 2024 

the vibe: 

This new moon is all about authenticity, and maintaining your equilibrium. As y’all know Aries doesn’t fuck around and neither will this new moon. [ its giving The Devil Wears Prada’s, Andy, and the moment she realizes she has been living a lie and has become everything she once ridiculed. it was through honest reflections and authenticity that Andy was empowered to walk away and pursue the unknown courageously. ]

[ a message from spirit ]

You have delved into the depths of your being, unraveling the threads of your essence, you have unearthed the art of forging choices that resonate with your core, your magic, and sacred limits. You have unveiled the treasures that hold precedence in your heart, and now the hour calls for decisive steps forward. Retreat is no longer a choice. 

To live authentically without apology is to grasp the profound essence of living in unity with oneself and the cosmos. It embodies the art of resonating in symphony with the self, sending forth a cadence that reverberates through the tapestry of existence. This ethereal dance whispers to all beings, inviting them to also embrace this sacred way of being. Yet, like the gentle ripples on a pond, there comes a moment of pause. It is in this pause that the ultimate test unfolds, a delicate juncture where courage battles the shadows of apprehension and ego. It is this moment of wading in uncharted waters that is most powerful. How you choose to meet this battle, will shape the trajectory of your course.

In other words cuties, this is not a time to hold yourselves back. This new moon is inviting you to be bold and courageous. To unapologetically live authentically and to embrace any chaos (change, discomfort) that may come with prioritizing your wants and needs. This is an invitation to let yourself be messy (playfully explore yourselves). Let whatever needs burning down (shadows, limiting narratives/habits),  burn down so that you can see what’s left standing (what’s working). Let the chaos (truth) guide you. Let it show you what’s worth saving and what’s fighting for. 

I’d also like to add that this new moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse. As you know eclipses are POWERFUL portals for change, illumination, and revelations. With this new moon’s theme being that of honesty and balance,  I invite you to spend time getting real with yourself. These reflections are intended to offer you clarity and the confidence to bet on yourself bb. 

oh and did I forget to mention Mercurys retrograde? lol well, it is but don’t let that scare you off. I feel mercury being retrograde during this solar eclipse is here to serve some hard truth. It’s going to pull and naw at us, until we can be real with ourselves and accept what’s come to the surface. This may ish from the past or maybe it’s a revisit from a pattern you know you’ve outgrown. Whatever the case me be, this is not the time to back down. Show up for yourself and be prepared to take action toward living a life that is aligned with your essence. Do not resist what your heart yearns for. Do not resist your evolution.


✨ how do I meet myself when I experience a victory?

✨ how do I meet myself when I experience a loss? 

✨ what is getting most of my attention at this time? or how do I spend most of my time?


✨ can I honestly say this is aligned with my heart’s needs and desires? does it support the growth I wish to experience?

✨ if not, have I created space for this in my life?

✨ what does living authentically mean to me?

✨ am I living authentically?

✨ why or why not?

✨ if not, what is something that I can do that can change that?

✨ what is something that I’ve yearned for but have been too afraid to pursue or believe in? 

✨ imagine what your life could be like if you pursued the thing and reached it. describe it.




What You Need To Know About This April Full Moon.


What You Need To Know About March’s Lunar Eclipse.