What You Need To Know About March’s Lunar Eclipse.

the what: Lunar Eclipse

the when: Monday March 25th, 2024 

[ What are eclipses? ]

In astrology, eclipses are known to be catalysts of change. I like to view them as reflective and visionary portals that can offer transformation. if we allow ourselves to see and breathe in what is there, and give it the space it needs to be seen, then we may be able to exhale this change into existence. Putting it simply, eclipses = change.

Because of how quickly events can take place during eclipses, they often carry a stigma as a time of chaos but really, they are a time/opportunity for BIG (however you define it) change.

I think why they can feel so tumultuous is because we are often faced with a reality/truth that we may have been avoiding and in this time of illumination there is no way we can avoid it. so if it is uncomfortable I like to view it as a supportive sign. one that shows me that I have received the message.

In other words, eclipses illuminate what we have been avoiding, or hiding from in some area of our lives. They bring fast-paced shifts, shocking revelations, sudden endings, and swift new beginnings to our lives.

How to work with an eclipse?

There are many many opinions about this, and the consensus is eclipses are not a time for manifestations or setting intentions. however, you know me and I say do what you know to be true for you. In other words, let your gut guide you.

I feel we can work with eclipses if we understand the Astro energy of a specific eclipse and use that time to reflect and get grounded in our physical bodies and spaces. And with the clarity we gain, we may hopefully then further be able to support our healing and/or better understand ourselves.

Suggested Practice

📝 practice some good ol’ self reflection and introspection

[ use suggested writing prompts ]

🔍 Using March’s full moon lunar eclipse vibes to get deep and personal with what your own ecosystem looks like and consists of so that you can support its (your) evolution and sustainability.

  • what makes you tick?

  • what are your boundaries, values, needs, beliefs, narratives, motivators, and habits?

  • what are the structures of your existing relationships?

(think person, place, or thing; platonic, professional, romantic.)

it’s time to revisit these parts of yourself and tune up what needs tuning.

🌬 make room for ease + flow. do a deep “spring” cleaning of your physical and internal (mental/emotional)spaces. If it doesn’t give you peace, joy, or growth- baby it’s got to go.




What You Need To Know About This April New Moon.


What You Need To Know About This March Full Moon.