What You Need To Know About This September New Moon.
The When: September 14th, 2023
The What:
Thursday // Jupiter // inspiration, expansion, growth, manifestation
New Moon // new beginnings, introspection, envisioning and clarifying your dreams, growth, setting intentions
Virgo // structure, planning, organization, diligence
The Theme:
this new moon we are being invited (or challenged depending on the way you see it) to recognize our own evolution by holding ourselves accountable for our actions and inactions.
what are you afraid of seeing/realizing when it comes to the life you are living? do you see how far you have come? can you see what you are capable of? there is an elephant in the room, I know you see it too. the one that holds your secrets, your pains, your joys, your aha realizations. let me ask you, what are you afraid of losing? more importantly, what are you afraid of gaining? It’s time to continue forward on the path you have/are creating for yourself. It is time to aside the constraints from the past because you know they no longer carry the same weight they did before. This is not by chance, this is because of you and the effort you’ve made to get here. Don’t choose to be a martyr. Let yourself be cared for and experience what you deserve and desire.
Take a breath.
This new moon remind yourself,
✨ I can trust the path I am creating for myself.
✨ I can trust the life that I am building.
✨ I can trust in what I discern as my truth.
Suggested Practice
If you find yourself struggling with trust or trusting yourself, I invite you to use the following prompts to reflect and discover.
what is my relationship with trust now?
what has it looked like in the past?
when i think of trusting myself, my choices, or my actions, what do I struggle with? why?
was there a time that I was able to trust myself?
name it
how did that feel?
what did it lead to.
how did that feel
what is one thing i can do today, this week that can support my relationship with trust?
reflect on your journey. what has brought you here to this exact moment? can you see how much of a baddie, amazing being you are?
what have been some of the pains?
can you see how they may still be influencing you today?
what are the ways you show up for yourself and your needs/desires/goals?
can they be woven into your daily or weekly practices?
brainstorm a plan, and try it out until you find the right fit.
do something for yourself this week that is simply for you, for your joy, your pleasure - your peace. why? to remind yourself that you can and do make supportive choices for yourself. you do know yourself and you can trust yourself.