What You Need To Know About This May New Moon.

the what:  New Moon in Taurus

the when: May 7th 2024

the vibe: 

this new moon is here serving the following “ its time to flip it and reverse it.”

[ a message from spirit ]

what are you willing to commit to when it comes to your personal life? Your community, and the overall health of this world. 

It’s time to flip outdated, unaligned, harmful narratives and beliefs and reverse your direction, paths, and focuses toward one that authentically aligns with who you are. you are more than the confinements this world has placed on you.  you deserve what your heart yearns for but it will require your unbridled commitment to the cause - your cause. 

 the house of cards has fallen, you’ve seen this take place. hell, you are the one who initiated its fall. so what will you do now? what will you do with this new clarified perspective? through the pain, through the loss in starting over/again, what do you see?  what do you want? what do you value? It’s time to rebuild the world you desire. the one you deserve, not the one you were told you were deserving of. Chapters must end for a new one to begin. There needs to be some form of death for birth to take place. So we ask you again, what are you willing to do for the change you seek? what are you willing to commit to? what are you willing to release to reset again?  

this new moon urges you to invite reinvention in your life. 


✨what false stories/narratives/ beliefs have I been cycling in?

✨how have these supported or confined me?

✨what has become clear with this realization?

✨what parts of my life or myself am I ready to rebuild but am afraid to?  and why?

✨what am I willing to do and/or sacrifice for the success of this death/rebirth, ending/beginning?

✨what have I been afraid to lose in the process? why?

✨what have I been afraid to gain? why?

✨the limiting idea/narrative/belief

✨the house of cards that has been built upon it

✨ new world/story that awaits me




What You Need To Know About This May Full Moon.


What You Need To Know About This April Full Moon.